I just did my first race expecting to come dead last, but when I crossed the line a message flashed up telling me I was in the top 21% in the race at 43rd.
However in the app it shows me at 43 out of 76.
I really enjoyed the experience and I think I’ve worked out most of what was going on but I’m not sure I get quite how the leaderboard works. I’ve done some googling and found out what the yellow triangles and the little brown burrito looking power up are all about though I doubt I used the power ups sensibly though. Any help on what the 21% means gratefully received.
No. It was 16.2k for everyone. It’s probably a bug, still it made me marginally happier than I actually deserved for about an hour… and I was VERY happy at not finishing last.
I was going to suggest Zwiftpower to you and I see you are already on that. Did you realise that you came 19th out of 31 in that? Good job!
I’d suggest you ignore Companion App/Zwift results in the flash screens at the end of the race as they include sandbaggers, Zpower trainers (ill-formed trainers) etc and just use Zwiftpower (your race had about 17 racers in front of you in the wrong Cat, for example!)