Exploit found which can lead cheating

+1 recommending RGT. Discovered recently thanks to a Zwift ZRL teammate :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, tried one of the current race series, quickly became addicted to racing there. Very supportive Discord groups, you can ask and as said solutions are provided. Of course community is really small at the moment, but draft dynamics are good and overall a promising platform in my opinion. Hope it can become a real alternative without taking the bad parts of Zwift. Ah, no categories and cheating there for what I see, age categories in racing only (apart from overall standings)
Oh, and again…


Thank you all… really it means a lot… It has been totally crazy for the last two days… and the community has been incredibly supportive.



Edit - and apologize, say thank you and fix the bug!


That is another thing totally confirming our good intention… we went totally uncovered and originally even with reference to our Zwift IDs in the document :slight_smile:
We were sure we were helpinig. We even made the joke if Zwift would give us free subscription for a year for identifying and disclosing this. That is how genuine we were :slight_smile:




There’s another blog (not gonna snitch) where the author details, in multiple posts, how to execute one particular variety of cheating in Zwift. They say their intentions are to publicize the issue and get it fixed, but they also actively employ this method of cheating in the races they participate in. I wonder if they’ve also been “shadowbanned”?


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Has the time to #STRIKE as Zwift users come until @Luciano_Pollastri_ZE is reinstated? Who would like to join me in suspending their Zwift account in solidarity with him?

EDIT: And don’t pay Zwift a dime until they fix this exploit?


Here are our demands:

  1. Reinstate luciano
  2. Fix the bug
  3. Erect a statue of luciano at zwift hq
  4. Free snacks for everyone

Zwift and WTRL have handled this very poorly.
Not only not fixing the problem, but on top of that punishing the people that are trying to raise awareness and help make racing fair.
Probably time to try out RGT. Never thought I’d say it.


Better question is: “Has anyone being banned because of the use of this exploit”?


No Way! That’s never happened before!



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Dont kill the messenger f******! Its your fault, your game,your app,your company that is wrong. Not the messenger.Fix it , and give some explanation to the stakeholders


Support from the community: check out Jonathan Crain’s latest video on Youtube - " I’m Pausing my Zwift Subscription! Lucciano BANNED!? & the OTHER companion app exploit."


This is an acceptable situation! Suspending who reports an anomaly?? And how about suspending the real cheaters?? I’m a regular zwift user, but this kind of situation makes me doubt the quality of this platform…



Pausing my account too, this is silly.


Hi all -

First of all - thank you to the forum regulars who alerted us to the discussions about this exploit. We appreciate the heads up and wanted to address your concerns about it.

We removed the first post about it on the Zwift forums because we don’t host discussions about how to exploit the game. As a reminder, we ask that you report any exploits here, do not test them and never post details of them in public forums. We recognize that you all brought it to our attention with helpful intent. All the same, this Zwift-owned forum is subject to our Terms of Service, and though it happens infrequently - discussions are removed at our discretion from time to time.

Firstly, we would like to address the suggestion made by the originator of the post that this is ‘The Ultimate Undetectable Weight Cheat on Zwift’. This is not true. Our server captures changes made by players to their profiles.

Secondly, we would like to explain the actions taken against this individual. Zwift’s Terms of Service directly address exploits in the game. Section 5, subsection vii forbids “Use our Platform other than for its intended purpose and in any manner that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect or inhibit other users from fully enjoying our Platform or that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the functioning of our Platform in any manner;"

Promoting information on how to exploit the platform constitutes a violation of these terms as it can negatively impact the enjoyment of other Zwifters.

Having shared details on how to exploit Zwift in multiple public forums, the originator has been found to be in breach of these terms of service. As a result, their social interactions with other Zwifters has been limited, they will not be visible to other Zwifters in events, and they will not show in Zwift race or ride results for a period of 30 Days. Unless it’s an invite-only event, this doesn’t prevent core use of the game.

Players who weight-dope in a race are routinely detected by other participants by putting out suspiciously high w/Kg values. If you suspect others of cheating - we ask that you report by either:

  1. During the race: Zwift Companion offers one way
  2. After the race: Use this process

Either way, community reports are investigated by a human who can readily find weight changes made to a rider’s profile mid-ride.

Longer-term, we have a plan to block this kind of mid-event weight exploit so race results are not impacted by bad actors with ill intent. We are unable to go into details of these plans for obvious security reasons. Detecting game exploits is a never-ending battle, and we appreciate your help in finding this one.

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No offence @shooj, but, if this is truly the case, Zwift is violating its own Terms of Service every single day by introducing new bugs with updates and not correcting them. The Forum is filled with people who a ‘negatively affected’ by Zwift’s own actions.


This has been done in many other cases, such as the Zwiftinsider blog, without anyone getting banned (eg, sticky watts articles).


You don’t make this easy! Even in normal riding we have to do our calculations of power divided by watts/kg, yes, while we are trying to go fast ourselves. Grrr.

Put weight and heights on display to make this more transparent. It drives me mad seeing people using exploits cruising past. Yes I can report them via the app, but I want to focus on my ride too.

I ended up seeing what this exploit was via internet detective work. I would never use it, but it certainly explains some of the rider performance I saw yesterday.

Thanks Luciano for lifting the lid on this.

And on the topic of riding a real bike, I was over 3000km just for January on a real bike - @Bilbo_Baggins