Everested - 8848m / 29,029 feet in one ride - Tactics

Some might know there is Extra Credit (Hidden Achievement) for those who climb 8848m / 29,029 feet in a single ride. The so called Everested credit :open_mouth::alien:

  • Who did it already?
  • Tactics?
    • Which is the fastest way for achieving ā€œEverested Creditā€?
    • Alpe du Zwift multiple times?
  • Any goodies (Jersey, Experience) unlocked when reaching the Everest-Status?

Kind regards

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Just plain old self-satisfaction (and a screen shot if you donā€™t collapse)
Hereā€™s an unofficial list from zpower.com

at least on alp du zwift you get a ten minute break on the downhill. I barely made a second trip, I think you need 8 and a half trips.


8x Alpe du Zwift climb :astonished:
57x Radio Tower climb :exploding_head:

What is the reward when finishing?
A special kit, bike, drops, experience?

Buns of Steel, but very sore ones :slight_smile:

I remember getting a Jersey for 100 miles and 150 miles BUT for 8848 HM IN 1 RIDE you wonā€™t?

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looks amazing and is even more a stimulation to completly fall in trance for over 8 h in the digital world!

150 miles jersey? Are you sure? I didnā€™t know they had one for 150 miles.