Error Logging in with that account information Message

Took about a month off from using Zwift and when I tried connecting I receive a “Whoa! There was an error logging you in with that account information. Did you change your password?” When I press the OK button nothing happens. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? Happen to anyone else? I updated my credit card information since my last card expired…thought that this may be the issue, but still no luck.

Have you tried logging in on a different device, e.g. to the Zwift website? If that’s a problem too then you’ll need to contact Zwift support.

How did you resolve it? I have the exact same problem. The error message just causes a dead end, and there is no way around it (it seems).

Generally speaking to solve this click Change User
Then Add Existing User

Pop in your credentials again and it should be ok.

My Android tablet does this frequently.