Hi guys I’m new to the forum but have been using Zwift for a while. I’ve had a speed and cadence simple sensor set up in a standard turbo trainer but just moved to an Elite turno. I’m finding it so much harder and can’t even reach 230 watts on it. Frustrated and very tempted to go back to my basic setup but thought I’d ask here for any advice first.
Hoping someone can help.
Smart trainers are more accurate than most standard turbos.
Is that true?
really depends on the smart trainer in my opinion, there are lots out there that are very inaccurate.
It is true most of the time. 
But looked at Shane’s vid and This trainer (Elite Turno) did well compared to the garmin vectors.
I have had a tacx neo, very accurate, elite drivo, very accurate (but also very very slow to react!), elite zumo, horribly inaccurate, tacx flow, horribly inaccurate and a tacx flux, about 5 to 10 watts off most of the time (around the 200 watt mark)
Wow you had a lot of trainers.
My only source is DcRainmaker and Shane (GPLama)
46,500 miles on zwift won’t ride themselves 
I have two sets of powermeter pedals, that both agreed with the neo and drivo so i’m confident they are all pretty accurate (it is unlikely they are all equally wrong!) so i’m not massively concerned about the accuracy my own trainers but can see that it would be very frustrating if you had to rely on the trainers power
So I guess I’d best start pushing harder 
The only real way to know is to test the turbo against a powermeter that you are fairly confident is accurate
smart turbos reflect the real gradients out on the road and it may be you are using a hillier course to start with or larger gears , try lower gears and perhaps Watopia with Fuego flats to see if that make any difference to your riding
Thanks so much for the info. I’m going to do a ramp test later and see what the outcome of that is.
So my FTP has been increased from 146 to 155 based on the ramp test. Couldn’t get the trainer above 200 watts but it makes me work so I guess it’s all good.
How does that FTP rate? Is it good? Bad?