Elite Realaxiom wired (RAW? RAT?) group rides

As we’re now able to use Zwift with our RA trainers (save for some of us still getting their OSX issues sorted), I’d like to do a group ride sometime, if possible. Let’s chat here about it, unless you think it would be better to do so on the Zwift riders Facebook page.

I’ll be honest and say I’m a rookie when it comes to this, and haven’t taken part in group rides. I’m hoping to add more followers/contacts on Zwift, and thought you guys would be a good place to begin!

We’ll have different time zones, certainly, so maybe we can discuss what times of day work best fro us. I’m EST (GMT-5), and can ride as early as 9 a.m. on weekends (downstairs neighbours—I’m in an apartment), and as late as about 8 p.m.  Some flexibility for weekday evenings as well (between 5 and 7- 7:30)

Looking forward to it!  Very glad we can use the site now. 

(I think I average about 3 w/kg, and can do that for about an hour, give or take. Probably longer.)

Thanks, all.


I would like to do a ride some time, I am more of an early morning person (est -5) Windsor CT USA.

So this weekend it will only be Sunday after Church.


This weekend probably doesn’t work for me, unfortunately. My in-laws are in town and staying over. The following weekend, though, potentially.

Yes, I was just thinking the other day, that it might be a cool thing to do a RA group ride. I am not in Facebook, so chatting here would suit me better.

I am in Finland (GMT+2), therefore afternoons on weekends would be ok. If we would start at 9:00am EST, for me it would mean 4pm, which is still doable for a couple of hours ride. During the week I might find it a bit challenging to fit group rides with Americans on my schedule due to rather big time gap. With Europeans it would be ok. This Sunday I have 3h30 ride scheduled, which I probably start early my time, though.