Elevation profile in companion app

As the elevation profile is hard to see on the main screen, it would be great to have it also in the companion app. Would be even nicer to have an elevation map for the entire course that is selected.

Agreed Steffen. Tacx do a good job of showing the profile and telling you whats ahead so you can keep your powder dry if need be on bigger climbs. More realistic in my opinion.

Yes. Now that you can close the HUD and have a full screen without it, elevation profile is the only thing you can’t see on the companion app. (Well, you can’t see leaderboards, either, but that’s not as important, though it would be nice to have them be on another tab in the companion app). But definitely, we could use elevation profile in the app.

This…! Im new to zwift, but i spent hours trying to get the course profile up on companion and even on the main screen / pc running Zwift while im riding. Just until i realized you couldnt :open_mouth: I found that the only profile for the course selected is on the minimap, and is allmost impossible to see on computer monitors.

So for me 2 integrations is need to be made.

  1. The profile course on the companion app - full course profile.

  2. Like the power graph you can turn on off, make another option for course profile to be viewed in the buttom of the whole screen. Even color the profile white so its easy to see, and grey out what i allready have ride so i can see where im at, and whats in fron of me.

Agreed, i won’t continue paying after testing phase due to the lack of usability and features. I can not understand, why this is a topic for 2 years and not solved, while this is one of the most expensive app

I’m a newbie to Zwift but this is a deal breaker.


Personally I would like to see the profile of the next 1k ahead of me. The profile displayed on long climbs usually lacks enough detail for me to use it to gauge my upcoming effort.

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I’m new Zwift and am finding the animation and group interaction to be a real motivator and look forward to a lot of hours of enjoyment using the app. I would refer the Zwift to the approach that both Bkool and Kinomap use to show the overall course elevation profile as well the current and next elevations. In both cases one can view the course elevation profile when slecting a course. When riding a course both show the current grade, remaining distance in current grade and what the next grade will be. Bkool shows graphically the riders progress in the current grade. These displays really help the rider manage energy more effectively.

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