Duathlons: switching from run to bike didn't work

Hello. I tried a duathlon earlier today and, following directions, ended the 5k run, restarted Zwift, and tried to join the second leg of the duathlon. When I logged back on, there was no duathlon choice in either the ride or run Events section. Where did I go wrong/what happened? Thank you.

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check the other posts in this section. you may not need to log out to switch sports. depending on what device you use for zwift, you likely need to get to the pairing screen. for PC users, you just hit the A key to get to the pairing screen, then select run or ride and the top and re-pair whatever sensors needs to be paired. then start run/ride. you should sign up for all 3 events run/bike/run2 in advance, that way when you switch sports you automatically get the “join event?” pop up.

Hi, Josh. Thank you for your reply. Okay, I’ll try the A key and go directly to pairing next time. Ah, I didn’t know that I had to sign up for all three parts separately. That is likely the problem. It struck me, when I was signing up for “the duathlon” that there was another event that started an hour later! Now I know why. Thanks for the help. Will try again maybe next week.

there is a new duathlon league starting soon , should be easy to follow and wtrl is the biggest name in race organizing so should be topnotch
check wtrl dot com

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