Distance totals not adding up

Hi, fairly new to the world of zwift and as I’ve been clocking up rides I’ve noticed my profile not adding up.
My total distance barely shows any rides (distance, elevation, time, slices) but if you flick across to last 30 days they all seem to be there. Just wondering if this is a know issue.
I mean how am I meant to get overly critical about my stats and bore people with them if I can’t even see them all :rofl:
Using Zwift on the Ipad… if that makes a difference


Very strange. Your 30 day shows your total correctly. But your all time only shows about 2/3 of your total. I’m on an iPad Pro. But haven’t noticed lost miles. But may not have paid enough attention.

Strange indeed and very frustrating. Did a search and have found a couple of other topics on here with the same problem and a reply saying its a know fault and they’re working on it. They’re dated back to Oct '18 so seems to have died a death, wouldn’t think it would be that hard to sort out.
Yeah I’m on Ipad pro too

I think it’s been this way for ages. After a while (more than 30 days) it will be automatically correct, so only new users will have this issue.