Different monthly subscription fees in South Africa

Good day team Zwift,

To date was no response received to previous enquiries sent via e-mail.
I have recently renewed the following 2 x Zwift accounts for my son and I, both based in South Africa:

  1. (My son, Bertie Emmett Anderson)
  2. (Me, namely Bertus Bruts Anderson)

Please confirm why there is a difference in the monthly subscfiption fee.
I am currently paying £12.99 per month for my own account, whilst I have to pay €16.99 per month for my son’s account.
Please check and advise.

Bertus Anderson

Email addresses and phone number removed. It is against forum policy to post personal info.

Why are you not paying in the same currency for both?

If converted to South African currency, namely the Rand, then the monthly fees being paid are R308.82 for my son’s Zwift account, and R272.81 for my account.

Disclaimer: I’m not a Zwift employee, and I’ve only ever paid in USD. However, on https://support.zwift.com/en_us/zwift-pricing-update-HygeG0ybH7, it does say…

The price you pay may not match the current exchange rate and may vary due to local currency or tax requirements.

I would guess that it’s currently a better deal to pay in British pounds than it is in euros.

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