Completed Uber Pretzel but did not get badge/XP

Thanks for the update Shuji! Is there any chance those of us that got caught by the bug might get the badge retroactively? Many of us have posted our activity ids in the thread, or maybe there’s some way to run a job over activities on affected routes since the bug was introduced that could do it?

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Great news, but will those of us who rode the route, motivated by collecting the set of badges, actually get the badge we earned? Never in a million years would I have ridden that route, apart from it was my last route badge to collect. I rode it, no XP and no badge due to no fault of my own. I rode it when I rode it as I was starting a FT job the following week, and the kids were at school. I don’t have the opportunity to ride it again without taking 6h away from the kids at a weekend. I can understand Zwift’s reluctance to support handing out badges to those who can easily repeat routes. But this was SIX HOURS.


Were Rustem_Akmalov_TRS and I correct? (He deserves 100% of the credit for debugging it, this is just my interpretation of what he reported).

That the checkpoints in the vicinity of the radio tower were revised, and while most routes had the changes incorporated, the files for Uber Pretzel and Four Horsemen were overlooked?

This seems like it would have been a very simple bug, so I suppose it wouldn’t have taken multiple days, so it must have been more complicated than this. But I am curious.


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hey @Andrew_Schlaepfer I know that feeling. Did the 4 horsemen a few weeks back when before the bug was discovered. And to compound the pain it was my final badge to earn :woozy_face:

re: getting the badge after the fact, I asked this also and based on this response, the answer is a NO :sob:

hi @Vicky_Steadman_KRT
Based this response the answer appears to be NO :fearful:

Just finding this thread now after completing the Four Horseman today…with no badge.

Seems very poor form by Zwift to know there is a bug and not remove the bad courses from the available route menus.

So why was this not addressed so people didn’t bother completing while broken?

Same issue here, after finishing über pretzel today.

And of course, I find this thread only now, after finishing my almost 6 hour ride :frowning:

@Shuji_Sakai @xflintx why arent you warning people? I don’t understand… :worried:

Send an email, put an alert on the companion app, something!

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@Mike_Rowe_PBR agreed - the communcations to users re: this issue has been non-existant outside this forum which is disappointing. They have so many comms channels at their disposal but instead it’s been other people posting on unoffical FB groups to try and get the word out :woozy_face: :man_shrugging:


That looks like a great feature request tbh (Alerts on CA that is)!

It already exists, when there is a software update a blue alert shows up in the ZCA. I imagine it could be used for more than just telling users a new version is available.

what to tell people that certain features are broken or doesn’t work?! as if.

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If a fix was coming that included handing out the badges earned during the glitched period, then the lack of communication would be forgivable. But the lack of communication of a bug first identified 3 weeks ago with no plans whatsoever to reward the missing badges is simply incomprehensible! People are still riding these routes and finding out the glitch after they have done a 6h ride that they may have chosen not to do had they known. Three weeks after it was identified. Sort this out Zwift and if you have to spend some of your recent $450M on support of badge fixing, then so be it.


I’d just call that an annoying notification as it it wont disappear permanently until a certain # of days later - so I would hardly think they have put any more smarts into it to handle proper alerts/msg of the day.

Just happened to me. Only discovered this thread afterwards. Gee, maybe Zwift should let people know? Too busy counting their money.

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Same here. Finished “The Uber Pretzel” just today and now…
Im pretty annoyed and neither understand nor accept this kind of handling. I contacted Zwift Support. We’ll see…

Same, I finished Uber Pretzel today and no badge, I’ve contacted Zwift support too

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Same here today. Also finished four horsemen two times this month and didn’t receive a badge

Here is the response from Zwift. No mention of why they haven’t told anyone for three weeks.

Thanks for getting back to us at Zwift Support!

Since it’s evident you rode well over the distance and should have been awarded the route badge, it’s near confirmation that there’s an issue with some of the route achievement badges right now. It’s something we’ve flagged up to the dev team for further investigation, and we appreciate you bringing this to our attention!

While I wish it were possible to add missing badge achievements to your account, we are currently unable to do so due to technical limitations. I understand that this news comes as a disappointment, and for that, we apologize.

While I understand that this is inconvenient, at this time, we recommend holding off on attempting the 4 Horsemen and Uber Pretzel badge achievements until we can confirm what causes this issue, and get a fix out for it as needed. While we don’t have a schedule for the fix at this time, we assure you that it’s our top priority, and the devs are working diligently so that the badges can be awarded as they should.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue improving Zwift. Please let us know if there’s anything else that you need assistance with; we’re always happy to help in any way we can.

Ride On.
Nathan B.
Member Experience Agent