So, I realise that the climb portal is a way to provide more climbs in Zwift for those (like me) who want them, but without having to invest a large amount of design effort into the individual routes. It’s a good idea, in general, and a welcome addition.
However… The visual experience is distinctly uninspiring and non-immersive. Surely there would be a way to provide something a little more realistic, even if it was uniform and repetitive? How about a continuous road surface borrowed from New York for example, with the neon stripes at the side coloured to indicate gradient? Or even a continuous inside-the-volcano landscape? Anything really would be better than that 1980s video game coloured blocky stuff!
I mean, why not? Or do the people at the top in Zwift just hate climbers?
Personally, the best things about the portals are a) the Portal Sections and b) Progress Meter (Adz style) to manage effort. The colors are just hideous! -a repetitive mountain scenery for all the portals would be considerable better