Changes to Zwift Subscription Renewals [May 2024]

Won’t be renewing, set myself a reminder to cancel before my (luckily fresh) yearly subscription ends.

Even 14,99€ is already too expensive compared to what is offered. Graphics like it’s 2004 with almost no improvement over the last year.
New features are small gizmos, not warranting that price. The annoying launcher that forgets the password every 5th time.

Compare that to even 2nd-tier PC/console game. For a one-time payment of 60EUR/USD/GBP, you get 100x the graphics/sound assets, highly complex gameplay, often voice artists and much more, often with years of bug fixes all included in that one-time payment.

So Zwift, an Idea: Drop the mothly fee to 4,99. Yes, 4,99. Then add in-game purchases or gacha mechanics. That system where a few rich whales carry such a system works in the gaming world, too (Pokemon, Fortnite, …). They buy virtual Caps, Bibs, Wheels, etc. for real Dollars.

But for 199/Year, I am out. I’ll rather watch a Youtube video or Netflix and control my Kickr Erg mode with my Garmin.


Woooot 6 km new tarmac is coming for summer.
It takes too long for new roads.

Zwift has often touted “millions of accounts”, but that’s total accounts created, not actually active/paying. The last time Zwift talked about this, they said “roughly 1 million subscribers”, with the keyword there being roughly.

1.000.000 x 20 euro a month is a lot of new content like worlds.
I don’t want new dinos, stupid bikes, hats, socks and other stupid things.


Nor me. I’ll let it renew next week at the current price to give me a bit more time to sort out an alternative, then I’ll cancel.


Thank you for the 31% increase ($21.46 to 28.24 with tax) in Canada! For my extra $81.24 per year I get the following:

  • No Play controller sold in Canada.
  • No Click controller sold in Canada.
  • Proprietary virtual shifting that doesn’t work with my Tacx Neo. Interesting that Indie Velo has open virtual shifting.
  • Meetup rides where only the Ride Leader can give Ride Ons.

Seen the increases. Massive increase. Goodbye. Gouging I think it is called


This week I tried three times to log into Zwift and each time it wouldn’t recognize my trainer…it’ just your run of the mill Wahoo Kickr…after giving up after ten minutes or so each time i went over to the free mywhoosh app…and each time the free app immediately recognized my trainer instantly…then this morning i find an email from Zwift letting me know my annual just shot up 50 bucks? Ummm, nope…not going to be happening…


Decided to cancel now, only been zwifting 4 months and £5 increase a month isn’t the one for me, that’s greedy.


Not really. They’d have to lose about a third of subscribers before they lose out. I doubt that would happen. Even with a 20% loss they’ll still increase revenue.


Never posted here before, but this price change is just to much, 20e/month what a bad joke :frowning:

You have lost another subscriber, it was fun while it lasted.

Always wanted to try Rouvy guess its time now…


To be fair, it’s the first increase since 2018. 6 years without raising prices is pretty good these days.


It is, and a gradual increase would have been easier to swallow.


The new monthly cost is still less than one spin session at my local gym. Given I’m on Zwift 6+ days a week still feels like a good deal at $19.99. I think the international pricing is perhaps a bit skewed, £17.99 ($22.50) feels high especially considering relative income levels and cost of living between US and UK.

Agree with the points above that the value proposition needs to improve to accompany this, especially for racing. A lot of other (cheaper) options out there…Fingers crossed for good news on that front this summer.


Somehow really sad news tbh. I’m a Member since 2017 for good and for bad. There have been really bad times from a Software Point of View and it felt like being a paying Beta-Tester. For me personally I was never into all of that group rides etc. and I don’t give a s**t about the other possibilities like running in the same app etc. For me it was always training in the dark months of the year, climbing mountains I don’t have where I life. But therefore I’m definitely not willing to pay 5€ more each month.

It feels like the “increase” game every subscription based company is playing these days.

Maybe consider a cheaper basic version without all that fancy stuff.

This was overdue for quite some time. Still worth the price for me :+1: even if there is a long laundry list of features to implement :pray:.

Same price as TrainerRoad but gives more joy :grinning:.


Explains why they announced the new features last week then…

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Just a thought, how many people eat out at restaurants every month, buy coffees on the way to work, or take their vehicles to get washed instead of doing it at home?

I don’t agree with the price for what we get, and hopefully Zwift comes up with something to justify it. I renewed with a Wahoo Zwift 1yr promo in March, so when that expires I will review my options.


I have used Zwift since 2016. As a level 100 cyclist with over 2,000,000 XP and a level 30 runner, the application development product quality isn’t worth $20/mo. There are too many long-standing bugs for me to justify the increase. I will likely move on after this month.


Agree…we get screwed all the time in the UK. We are effectively paying approximately 30 USD a year extra than our US friends.


Not to get political, but you can blame that on the inflated USD

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Cancelled today after receiving the email.

It’s a real shame but I can’t justify the price. A 38% increase is a bit much.

Maybe I will dip in and out in the worst of the winter months rather than subscribing year round. We’ll see.