Changes to Zwift Subscription Renewals [May 2024]

Seriously. If people have tried Rouvy/MyWhuaeoosh before and thought they were ghost towns, see what the userbase is like in northern hemisphere summer.

This summer, it might just people people riding around grumbling about Zwift :laughing:


If Zwift (up until very recently) were making a profit then they were doing it wrong - the business model is run at a lose to invest in growth, and base future profitability (and therefore company value) on extrapolating that growth.

Suspect that the growth the need has stalled (see peleton etc) and the extrapolation is looking pretty rubbish - so business plan B is now in play which is to maximise the return from the existing users (as that oh-so-lucrative IPO is not going to happen).

So they will price to maximise return (and accept more revenue for fewer subscribers) - with the obvious effect that price sensitive subscribers will walk.

And I totally agree with you - a big bang approach to increasing prices will cause more people to walk than a more gradual (an to be honest completely justified) inflationary increase.

Zwift could consider offering discounted rates to attract new subscribers. For instance, they could provide a reduced price for the first three months, with unique detection of name, email, IP, or MAC address. It could also be useful to offer discounts to returning subscribers, perhaps once a year. Reduced price when buying a trainer with comittment to two years of subscription. Additionally, a pay-per-ride option could be appealing to some users. Other plans, such as a Family plan, Student plan, or Group plan for businesses or clubs, should also be considered. The main objective is to attract users to the platform and provide features, events, and experiences that justify the subscription cost and encourage them to remain subscribers.

Zwift recently released the “This Season on Zwift” update just before raising their subscription price. While this update introduced some highly anticipated features, Zwift must continue to enhance its offerings. With the upcoming indoor season, it will be essential to provide attractions that draw both former and new subscribers.
(Yes, I used AI)

I think they could just add ‘Free Month of Zwift’ to the AdZ spinner…


AdeZ fills with bots for some reason… :rofl:


I won’t be moving. Appreciate some people just don’t have it, but has everyone complaining seen what’s going on in the world? We have had unreal inflation globally for the last 3 years, the amazing thing isn’t the price rise, it’s that it has taken so long.

Before anyone says it sudden and there should have been gradual rises, it amounts to roughly €1 a week. Or a coffee per month.

At the end of the day, whether it’s value to you or not is an individual decision but I suspect 90% of the people claiming they will quit either won’t, or will briefly and come back.


Yes. It is easy to say that you cancel now since you were doing it anyway because you are riding outside.

I’ve already cancelled my membership in response to this crazy price strategy. My wife hasn’t cancelled yet, but will when we choose which product to change to. £26 a month less. Great move.

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Before you say no to a price increase, just think how you will help fund the 100,000$ for 2025 Zwift games and you donate toward Zwift ambassadors like Mat Vanderpoel, Lucy Charles, and Chris Hoy among others.


Zwift marketing wouldn’t do their job if they weren’t doing marketing.

According to an article in Front Office Sports, Zwift is not turning a profit. Yet, last year they got an injection of $620M in new investment money. If anything Eric Min is a very good salesman with investors. I assume some of these investors are getting impatient, hence the price increase. Min says he hopes to get to 10 million subscribers. I dont know how many they have now but its hard to believe there are a huge numbers of people interested in joining Zwift that are not already on Zwift


Love Zwift, but I’m now paying nearly £36 per month for me and my wife.
Any chance of a family/home subscription?

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In terms of price increases, it’s only about £1 in real terms after adjusting for inflation since 2017, I think (for the UK). [edit: by which I mean that £13 in 2017 would be around £17 now if it had gone up each year in line with inflation]

It’s a shock because it’s coming all at once, at a time when people are feeling the pinch, when free under-16 accounts have been pulled but family accounts still don’t exist, and it’s landed without warning, and with no grace period.

I appreciate Zwift are a business, but the timing is terrible (at least for the UK; I don’t know how cost of living has changed in other places) and the execution is brutal.

I’ve always been one to keep my account active over the summer, but I might not do that in future.


If Zwift doesn’t make a profit at 15 million revenue a month, something is very wrong, and I can tell you its not the pricing. Look at what Activision is doing. They have the most popular game, Warzone and that’s free to play. They survive on people buying in game stuff. Most of the players don’t. But Zwift with 1 million people paying 15,- can’t make a profit… Hello!


There goes my streak


That’s ok - rather than me taking £12.99 (UK) a month on the chin but riding outside, I’ll cancel it, try other upcoming platforms for size at beta prices and also accept paying nothing when mostly riding outdoors. I was happy to let it renew, but with THAT MUCH of an increase, I’ll manag it and zwift will ultimately get less. Disgusting, greedy and not warranted. They have the market share - they’ll now feel what real competition can do and we should all benefit from better platforms.

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lol, the competition is celebrating tonight.


I’ve been a subscriber since 2016. I really loved Zwift. Originally, it was £8 per month, then £13. This lastest price hike to £18 is unreasonable and feels like corporate greed to me. I have now cancelled my membership: I am really sad to leave, but am just not prepared to pay so much every month. I’ll be looking into other platforms…


Peloton’s quarterly report highlights 15% reduction in staff over the coming 12 months and they are on a big cost reduction exercise - they are still bleeding more cash than they earn. I suspect the headwinds they have constantly endured since covid times are the same for Zwift.

I guess another issue in general is the number of fitness subscriptions you’d ideally have for an end-to-end package.

Virtual Bike Software: Zwift.
Cycling Metrics: Strava,
Cycling Training plan: Training Peaks, Trainer Road, coach, etc… (Since Zwift’s training plans lead a lot to be desired it’s hard to say they really cover this properly).
Full body workout: Gym membership - Zwift does not replace a full gym of course.

If you add up the monthly services for Zwift, Strava, a training plan, and a gym membership for two people, it starts to get a bit pricey per year. You can justify price increases for each one of those individually, but they do add up as a whole.