When you change jerseys after a group ride is done … You also lose the Green (and KoM & Brown) jersey too? That is unduly harsh!
Hi KC, are you saying that if you win any of the sprint jerseys then CHANGE them in the customization screen, you lose the jersey?
If you win the Green and Change from Basic1 kit to Strava kit, yes, you lose the Green jersey.
Thanks for reporting this! Our QA team did extensive testing on this, and we think one of two things coincidentally happened:
Your time for holding the jersey expired at the same time you switched. You only hold the jersey for one hour from when you won it, so it’s possible this coincided with when you switched.
Someone stole the jersey from you at the same time you were changing jerseys.
When we duplicated the same circumstances, we were still seeing the rider with the trophy jersey. If you do see this happen again outside of the two situations I described, let us know what happened so that we can investigate further. Thanks again!