Category Enforcement Issue

but how will you know if it is legitimate or not?

Honestly, no way to be absolutely certain, but if you can see someone with a track record of weight changes to stay within category I’m within my right to ask for a weigh in video.


that’s just asking for trouble to be honest

Weigh in videos are setup to ensure you are not heavier than indicated. Not the other way around and again; we are talking a few kgs here. Another topic argued for allowing weight changes of 2kg per week. For most that’s enough to cat down when at border.

Well you know best Rich.

Pretty certain they’re to show that your weight is accurate.

if you see a rider from a cat above in your CE start list then there is probably skulduggery afoot. I think some of the more power savvy race organisers already know about it and have reverted to leaving the DQ tags enabled for now, which is probably a good idea even if there are edge cases where you can be ZP A and CE B and so on

No, not really. It’s hard to shave of weight for a weigh in. It’s easy to be heavier than you actually are. Unless people need to be fully naked when getting on but luckily thats not the case.

I think it depends on how much of a variation we’re talking about, but reasonable point re clothing and even time of day.

There is nothing in the Zwift T&Cs that allow you to request a video of a user showing their weight? You going to demand a video from females of them weighing themselves? I cant wait for the social media and marketing teams to hear of your demands.,

“Video or we shadow ban you - you changed your weight to much.”

Talk about doubling down.

It should be fairly easy to see, users who have moved up & down category with weight change within a small time period.


Ok RELAX a bit.

This is getting very childish.

Please stay on topic or this topic will be closed.


Um…time to stop digging?

Hey everybody, I‘m not sure whether this has already been answered.

I’m racing the “Get Rolling” events and doing pretty well in the overall standing of Cat C after the first two out of four races. Now, I’ve been upgraded to B on ZP, but I still can join C races on Zwift. So, my question: What category do I enter on stage 3?
And, how will it affect my overall standing if I now do B races instead of C races? Will I be listed as a B racer, including my results from the previous races (of course, then with a lower placement)?

You can still enter in C for as long as Category Enforcement allows you to.

If you race in B, you have to start from scratch and lose your previous times in the standings.


Whatever CE formula has been implemented, I’m no longer forced to join A cat, so I’m happier.

I weigh myself with shoes, clothes, and 500ml of water, which is what I’d have at the start of a shortish race.

If average WKG is available and has been used, could CE use average weight? Or the median? Or the mode?

Is it correct though to be weighing oneself with all sorts of accessories? I assumed it was basically just naked weight, and that it’s likely Zwift adds some sorta factor to every bike frame for that.


According to Zwift’s Cycling Esports Rules and Regulations Version 1.0.4 - 28/4/2020,
the protocol for rider weigh-in stipulates that, “Make sure you are wearing socks, cycling shorts and a cycling jersey”.

I guess if that’s good enough for elite riders something similar should work for community events?

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Oh, the mess… :joy:

Well, you reap what you sow.

BTW anyone got any suggestions on really heavy socks?


excuse me, I know best? i’m not the one threatening to ban people for changing their weight

And you say you are within your right to ask for a weigh in video, is this a personal opinion or a Zwift one?

@Rich Are you still attacking other users? This is not the place to do it.

And to answer your question, Zwift can do what they want, If they see they need to ban people for changing weight then they can just easy change the rules that you have 2 hours after a race to make a weigh in video or get banned.

I doubt that they will do it but it is that easy.