Cancel my membership

How do you cancel a membership? When I go to the “hidden” cancelation screen, it flashes reasons for canceling and then goes back to my membership page saying my membership is going to auto renew in 7 days. I’ve already paused it at least twice. Chat bot doesn’t get you anywhere. The email support button doesn’t do anything. Anyone have a phone number?!?!
I had a pretty high level of respect for the product, but now know maybe this whole thing is way shiftier than I’m comfortable with. Blech

No phone support from around Nov. 2020 .

I guess mailing support will not hurt (though not guaranteed to produce results either…)

How do you cancel? When I go to the “hidden” cancelation screen, it flashes reasons for canceling and then goes back to my membership page saying my membership is going to auto renew in 7 days. I’ve already paused it at least twice. Chat bot doesn’t get you anywhere. The email support button doesn’t do anything. Anyone have a phone number?!?!
I had a pretty high level of respect for the product, but now know maybe this whole thing is way shiftier than I’m comfortable with. Blech

did you follow these instructions?

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Like usps mailing? Cuz the email button on their support page doesn’t work for me.

Did you go to this link? Cancel

Yes, the cancel membership page loads for about a second and then redirects back to my membership page saying it is going to renew at the end of the month.

What browser are you using? Its working fine for me on Chrome.


Go to The at Home Cycling & Running Virtual Training App





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I’ve tried Chrome and Brave. Both redirect (after less than a second) from
the cancel page back to the membership summary page.

How far did you get with the steps I outlined.

did you log into the site with your username and password?

I don’t have the Pause and Cance buttons on this page. I’ve paused
membership at least once already, so maybe that is why it’s gone, but don’t
know why the cancel button would be gone.

It look like your membership is already canceled? I say this because I see Status : 25 Km (Active)

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Not sure what you mean by “until you can’t log in.” I can log in. My member ship is on pause. I can activate it again. Apparently, my “pause” will end in a few days and then I’ll be charged again whether I want to or not. I currently have no way to cancel, and I really don’t want to delete my account entirely.

Then why does it say “Active” (why wouldn’t it say “Cancelled”), and that it renews Sept 30, 2021?

That is why I said assume. I never tried to cancel my membership so I don’t know how that window will look for a canceled account.

the 25km is usually linked to a free account.

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I think it’s because you always have a free trial. Each month you get a free 25km and it looks like you will get another free 25km at the end of this month. That’s also probably why you have a JOIN NOW option on this page.

On my account that graphic is replaced with Zwift Unlimited - Active, Member since xxxx, with an option to edit my payment details and a cancel button.

Comparing your screen and mine I’d say that you don’t have any payment details entered so it looks like you are on the free trial which is perpetual (it will always renew to a free 25km each month).


That’s helpful. Can anyone else confirm that my screen is what a “cancelled” account looks like?
I had an “active” membership with automatic billing for three consecutive months, but then “paused” (at least once or twice) and now there is no indication it is paused, or cancelled, and says it will “renew” in the coming days.

This is what a Paused one looks like:

Open the Zwift App on a device and you should see something similar:

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