Bring back the exact watt goals for workouts. Stop the rounding!


Exact Wattsā€¦

15sec minimal changing time frameā€¦

Thanks ZHQ for doing nothing on this.


Any word on fixing this intentionally-introduced bug?

What about eliminating the half XP for ramp intervals? That one is truly inexplicable.

@evan-zwift @shooj


@shooj :scream: : Michael, any problems with the Game, or the controllers? No? Well then, everthingā€™s fine! Donā€™t bother about precision or any nerdy expectations.


Yā€™all seem to think itā€™s an easy fix, apparently. :roll_eyes:

It was noted as broken almost 3 years ago

And it worked properly until someone decided to implement this bug

In fairness, no one from Zwift has taken the time to explain:

Why it was ever implemented;
The issues involved in rolling it back;
Why Zwift might not want to roll it back;
Anything much at all.

I donā€™t even care about this issue, but the ongoing presence of this topic annoys me, because the engagement here falls short of what you good people have delivered elsewhere.


Some progress, at least it was now referred to as a ā€˜fixā€™. :slight_smile:

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I guess this is such an integral part of the Zwift code that 15 months isnā€™t enough time to revert workout behavior to how it was before.

Hi @shooj,

@calfzilla and @David_Galbraith already wrote pretty much about it. Iā€™m working in IT and Development so at least I can imagine and understand a bit in how a mess this can be. But what bothers me the most, sorry no, annoys me the most is the lack of communication in this matter.

We donā€™t get updates where you are currently standing, whatā€™s the actual scope or if there is an eta at all. Nothing.

The vital part about getting people to understand your position IS communication. Without all the users have to poke you every month or two to get an answer.

Iā€™m quite sure that this isnā€™t easy to fix. But honestly, Iā€™m paying a lot to use Zwift and therefore Iā€™m expecting to be heard and that developers taking care about the users and their needs.

The unanswered question for at least three years is still: It worked before, why was it changed to the mess it is now?


ZHQ only replies if itā€™s about a bug they intend to fix, or to make unhelpful snarky comments. Nothing in-between.

Right @shooj?

Time for us to find a different training platform that respects its users. Zwift clearly doesnā€™t. Correct @shooj seeing as you do nothing about this three year old issue?

Exactly what Iā€™m doing. @shooj Membership cancelled as of today.

Hard decision but not fixing core issues since three years and even make them worse doesnā€™t justify a 34% price increase.

Anything to tell from ZHQ on this one? :melting_face:

Has anybody tested if the ERG targets might actually be at single watt precision and itā€™s just the display that is rounded to the nearest 5*n W? Should be pretty clear when tweaking a block up or down by 1 or 2% (without changing what shows on screen) and seeing if the recorded power data (avg) changes.

Yup, I put some data in this post a bunch of posts back (in this thread), then Zwift confirmed it was an issue.

I did notice during a ramp interval last week that the target watts displayed on companion were different to the main screen.
Main screen was rounded to the nearest 5w, companion was showing the exact watts.

All the other intervals were rounded to the nearest 5w on both.

Yes, noticed the same, That the rounding seems to only appear in the game app, not in CA.

But the Watts on the trainer are rounded as well. Easy to spot while doing double recording.

Itā€™s not only a display issue, itā€™s affecting trainer output as well.