Application hang, loosing workouts

So zwift has started to just close mid ride.
I have no idea why this is happening, but at random times it can just close itself completely, unlike when you’re actually trying to close it and it’s still not closing… XD

Jokes aside, this is a serious critical error i need help with.
My rides are completely lost every time it happens.
The fit files are getting corrupted and strava won’t accept those.

All i have is this info from event viewer:
(translated from norwegian)
The program zwiftapp.exe version stopped communication with windows and was closed
Process-id 1f80
Report-ID: 3e8f9032-5b8c-45c9-b4bf-e099c8602ae2
Hang-type: Top level window is idle

Any help identifying what can cause this particular behaviour is appreciated!

I have allready ran p95 for hours with the cpu running at 85c with out any warnings or errors.
Furmark which is openGL will run indefinately and my GPU sits at a relaxed 62C
I can’t make this thing crash, yet zwift just closes itself.
Not blaming zwift here, this is probably my system.

Computer specifications:

Windows 11 build 22000.556
Nvidia driver: 512.15 (newest available software to date)
Motherboard: Asus x470 gaming-f (bios version 6024 (newest))
CPU: Ryzen 7 5800x
Ram: Corsair LPX 3200mhz docp profile
GPU: Nvidia 2070 super

Trainer: Kickr Core (newest available software to date)
HR: Tickr X (newest available software to date)
Bluetooth driver for my dongle is the newest available from the supplier and not from windows generic stuff.

Please post up the details of your setup, including the spec of your system if you’re on Windows or Mac

Right, updating original post for this.

Hi @Robert_Graawe_V

Best I can tell from examining your computer specs, your computer is more than adequate for Zwift and at a glance I don’t see the exact cause for the app crashes.

My suggestion is that you contact the Zwift support team and provide us with your standard log.txt files, EVTX crash logs, and full computer specs file.

I drafted up some clear instructions with links for another Zwifter on this Forums thread, so I’d suggest you follow those steps. Once we get your support request, our tech support team will be happy to take a look at the data and let you know what we discover.


Allright, i’ll try a ride tomorrow to see if it happens again, if it does i’ll grab all logs then.
Have a good one @Steven_D !

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