Apple TV no Longer connecting to smart trainer

Hi I used Zwift on Sunday and it worked fine I tried to use it Monday and my Apple TV 4K will no longer find my trainer I have performed a reset on the Apple TV and the problem continues.
I use a elite digital smart B+ trainer and Apple TV 4K

If I run Zwift on my iPhone it finds the trainer fine

Bluetooth remote is still working fine

Any ideas please help


It sounds like your trainer might still be paired to your phone. Make sure that you force-quit the Zwift app on your phone and see if that helps. If not, make sure no other Bluetooth devices are paired to your ATV, as you can only connect two additional devices beyond the remote.

Hi I’ve tried it with another Apple TV and works fine
Apple TV not showing any other devices :thinking:

Hmmm OK Is the trainer still connected to that second ATV, by any chance?

It failed to work with my ATV so tested it on my iPhone then the second ATV to see if it was the trainer or the ATV that has the issue.

Ensure NO OTHER DEVICES have your smart trainer paired to them.

To be clear: delete/remove the trainer as a paired Bluetooth device from every other phone, ATV, tablet, everything. This includes apps (like Elite’s utility app) - you may have to go into those independently from the device BLE pairing setting to remove the trainer.

Then see if the trainer is visible on the ATV you want it on.

HI I have the same problem My elite Zumo wont connect to apple tv.
will Zwift give me a refund, ?? your app not working???

Are you sure your trainer isn’t connected to some other device? Or that there isn’t an issue with your trainer (or Apple TV)? Have you tried force-quitting the Zwift app on your ATV?

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Hi- so we have two trainers and a treadmill all three devices will not connect to Zwift.
I would not suspect all three having the same issue.

i connect to all devices via the service app and they work, yet to Zwift nothing.

Interesting. Are they, by chance, still connected to the service app? Also, have you tried force-quitting the Zwift app on the ATV (and maybe all of the service apps, on whatever device they are running), just to see if that corrects the issue?

Hi Jay. Wondering if your issue was resolved, as I have exactly the same problem

Hi @Gary_Stevenson2, thank you for posting! I’m Gian from Zwift.

I’m sorry to hear that your trainer isn’t pairing with your Apple TV. At your convenience, could you please try the following?

  1. Turn off all other Bluetooth devices around the area (like your phone or any other device that you may use to Zwift).
  2. Ensure the trainer isn’t paired with another app on your Apple TV.
  3. Force close the Zwift app on your Apple TV by following the steps in our support article.
  4. Unplug the trainer for a minute and plug it back in.
  5. Open the Zwift app and try pairing again.

If the issue persists, please reach out to us so we can continue helping you.

Hi Gian

Thank you for contacting me.

By way of background, Zwift has been working perfectly since I purchased my Kicker Bike and I’m wondering if this could be an apple TV issue?

Zwift has never been paired with another device, but I’ve used the companion app for some time.

First the heart rate monitor wouldn’t connect, so I thought it a battery issue but the next day the trained stopped communicating.

I have now been able to connect to Zwift from my phone and also my ipad.

I’ve checked the Bluetooth status on the apple TV and it doesn’t appear to see any Bluetooth devices.

I have restarted the Apple TV and disconnected and reconnected the Kicker

Regards Gary