Yes, please add this feature.
I could see how changing how the program starts up and quits could be a bit involved. Hopefully this will finally get resolved with the new UI… which is coming… Zoon.
But why haven’t seemingly simpler changes been made? Switching the PR list from 30 days to 365 days seems like it would involve changing “30” to “365” in a handful of places in the code. We’ve been waiting over 4 years for that change. Or enhancing the gradient indicator? How about making Training Plans more flexible?
Clearly Zwift’s project prioritization process does not put much weight on Feature Requests from their users. I suspect it’s not driven by data either or we would have seen some of the popular requests in the forums implemented. (Although given the most recent non-sensical survey, I suppose it’s possible that some decisions are guided by bad data…)
No… This feels like only one method of product prioritization: Someone in upper management decides that their latest brainstorm is the coolest idea ever, and dictates that engineering focus on that. And so we get Boost Mode.
Like so many other businesses, shiny new things get funded, and maintenance gets short shrift. As long as people are willing to pay for their subscriptions, this won’t change.
This screams to me that the developers have no pride in their product. To let something so simple fester for 5 years. Their is something rotten at zwift HQ
Absolutely 1000% necessary. As a new user I was absolutely stunned to find that this wasn’t possible and it is making me likely to quit using zwift for a better functioning product.
I think i know how to solve this!
Get a sponsor for the world selection/pairing screen, then each time you save Zwift will definitely want to send you back there as often as possible to get more views for the sponsor and therefore more money! And we all know money talks!
Our views on this seem not to count for much but if someone is paying for it then maybe… just maybe!
Looks like this has been wanted for far too long with lots of interest. Take my vote, I’d love to see this happen.
I’ve just signed up to Zwift and thought I had a fault as zwift shut down each time I saved or discarded a ride. Really irritating especially as I was trying to explore the app. At least I’ve now found (thanks forum) it’s not my installation but a design feature. Let’s hope zwift can fix this.
Unbelievable that this is still not implemented.
bring it on!!!
Yes please, how many time I got out the app by doing this.
Sometimes just want to launch ride on other map
This is especially important for the pace bots. I like starting out at an easier range for a warm up and then switching to a more intense range, it is a nuisance having to log out and go through the whole setup process all over again. Thank you.
I think the real problem here is that its not as simple as just logging out and back in which is a key use case. Often pairing things the second time gets finickety, sometimes after a perfect first pair of HRM, Cadence, ERG Turbo the second time one thing will decide not to pair. Thats a lot of risk if you want to do two separate sessions. Especially if the latter session has a time limit to join.
@Wes This really needs doing… can you at least give us a view on where it is in the backlog?
GO GO GO let’s do this!
I had this very issues with my HRM over bluetooth, would pair fine the first time, after that would not work, I had to power down my PC for 2-3 mins before it would pick up in Zwift again, tried this with 2 seperate BT adapters as well, same result.
Bought an ANT HRM just to avoid the annoyance…now is Zwift would just do us a favor and actually put a useful feature in…i dont need “steamroll” boost? like WTF
Yes please!
This needs to happen without delay or atleast give a reason why it hasnt/won’t be done!
It’s been two years and nothing has happened with this. Count my vote in!
So, not soon.