Advice on Zwift goals for 2021

I have been using Zwift for about 12 months now. I want to set some realistic goals for 2021. Would welcome any suggestions.



If you’re looking at Zwift specific goals then I would recommend

  1. Everest and then Tron Bike challenge - 50,000m climbing so if you haven’t started it then it would take a fair chunk of the year to do

  2. Complete all the route badges. Most are pretty easy but Uber Pretzel and PRL full are pretty tough

  3. Look to move up a category in racing. This is a bit arbitrary as you can do this when you want but would be a good challenge to say move from being a competitive “c” rider to a competitive “b” rider

I’ve been on Zwift for just over 2 years and am currently working my way through route badges as a way to stay motivated