Assuming a lot of Zwifters are already familiar with the PC/Mac standard keyboard shortcuts that work with Zwift, could there be a 1-button toggle added to the CA to bring up a virtual PC keyboard onto one’s phone? Easier to manage the physical space to have a phone, and easier than reaching to use a real keyboard.
i’m not sure we need a full virtual keyboard but maybe a simpler dashboard page would be good. Rather than the current dashboard where you have to scroll across to see all items. One big dashboard with lots of buttons i could see being useful. There are 3rd party tools that would work on PC to do similar but if it was in companion it would work for all platforms.
Quick links to pairing, garage, camera, powerup, power graph, take picture etc and one thing i really want to see is for zwift to remember camera number when selecting different riders to fan view.
Yeah camera number options would be great at the very least… the tap tap tap tap etc to get to the view you want (oops went 1 too far, gotta start over) is definitely a bit tiresome.
the issue here is screen size/space constraints on a mobile phone, obviously easier when you have a keyboard to have shortcuts available but on a 6" phone, even a virtual keyboard is then going to take away that space or you overlay it on top of the existing screen covering things up and then it gets a bit messy
Right, hence suggestion was a 1-button toggle to bring up the keyboard and would be used to make it disappear again.
Maybe even if the Companion App could resize and layout if phone is rotated to landscape there’d be help fitting at least the current button options.
Great idea… and virtual mouse!
Cool! Have you used this with Zwift?
If I understand how this works, it would require switching between apps on the smartphone though.
Many phones (Android, no idea about Apple) can split screen and it is possible to use 2 apps (it the apps support it!) - for example my old HTC U11 can do it.
I used it for ZC and Jepster (double recording) - both portrait and landscape, no problems.
I use it all the time John. Makes leading events easier for me. Yes, you have to switch apps.
I think I’ll try it out. Thanks! Looks like the ‘free’ version will suffice just to get keyboard commands.
This could cause some bugs, but it also could be pretty cool.
Using it for 2 years, no bugs experienced.