3sec or 10sec power for workout mode

Power output fluctuates too much with current screen settings. It is not very easy to pace somewhat stable without having a smoothing function.

I agree this would be useful.

Unlike with a smart trainer that can set the desired level, I use a Wattbike and it can sometimes take 10-20 seconds to find the right power level as you move between zones.

The instant power readout can spike sometimes ±50w from the target level and I find I constantly over-compensate until it settles.

If the instant power spikes could be smoothed I’m sure it would make the workout experience better.

Totally agree. I’d also like to see overall interval average power or lap average possibility (where lap is activated by ipad/keyboard?). As it is, fluctuations in power readings stress me out when trying to hit a certain average and I end up over-compensating and going too hard. Currently, I have to use my Garmin on the side to do this - not ideal.    

It would be great to know if they plan on implementing 3 or 10 second averaging for power, or even making it user selectable.

Could just be Internet lag