1st Club Ride

I’m so disappointed!! After a tiring week, the thought of trying out the first Jarvis Club ride advertised at 2w/kg sounded perfect. I was comfortably in the group when the question was asked about raising this ride to 2.5w/kg. I don’t think this was fair to those who joined it based on the advertised pace. So a polite request. Be clear on the pace and stick to it. Thanks.

Hi @Rachael_Lang,

Thanks for coming out today! Sorry for the change of pace during the ride, since this is the first time doing rides with this group of riders, it’ll take a few attempt to dial in the right pace/pace changes. We bumped it up to 2.5 on the 2nd lap due to 95% of the riders being well ahead of Jarvis the Bear.

I’ll update rides #2 and #3 to make sure it’s clear that pace may vary between 2-2.5 depending on how the group is riding :ride_on:


@Wes that’s great. Thanks, as that’ll ensure its clear for everyone. My hubby also rode and had a great ride with you all and we both enjoyed the banter on discord too! :laughing: Thank you for leading. :blush:

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Please tell me you have an actual mascot that can ride with the clubs, oh that would be fun to see!

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It was a good ride thanks @Wes, I hope you get discord fixed… LOL

We were all over the place with suggestions some pretty funny.

I would suggest not leaving ideas to the end of the ride, I think we could discuss that a bit more.

Hi, the pace was perfect, about 10 KM to go my Zwift just reset, Does this mean i loose that ride?

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I had an awesome ride! I dropped off a couple of times, but got back on :smiley:
Can’t wait for the next one

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A great ride thank you @Wes and Jarvis the Bear. The 23:00 ride #2 on Sunday tempting.

Great fun ride Thanks Wes and Jarvis, what I was saying before my headphones died was it be a shame to lose the human aspect and a robot lead wouldn’t seem natural , Also 2 yellow beacons would be confusing for the group, I think there is a place if the main yellow beacons have tech issues it could be controlled by the sweep to hold a pace, or if no beacons are on the ride Jarvis could then ride around un aided within the rides wkg ,
kind regards Dave

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Great ride and funny to see the second Jarvis beacon ! Interesting !
Looking forward to the next notifications in the CA !
Have a great weekend, cheers Stephan

I enjoyed the ride, but it was hard to keep the low pace for the first half. Especially climbing with only 2w/kg was almost impossible. But other than that, no issues, looking forward to the next ride! :slight_smile:

Sorry I missed this, @Wes, but will be there on Monday. I did have a suggestion, however: when the time comes that we can have our own clubs, would rides be organised by the club leader only or could delegates be added?

I know many, and I am one, who might like to add group rides to suit them but without having to commit to them on a regular basis. Just wondering if I would need to coordinate them all or if selected riders could be added to schedule rides as they wish.

On other thing it may not be a Zwift issue, but Zwiftpower show it as an activity not as a event so either it need a event tag or ZP just don’t know what to do with it.

I will post on ZP aswell.

Hi @Wes,

Feedback wise:

  • Join event popped up in time
  • Joined without issue, and had zero issues (either Zwift or Discord :wink: ) during ride
  • Activity finished, closed and uploaded to the connected platforms without issue
  • Jarvis the bear as pace setter is a really cool idea! I’d very much welcome the option to have Jarvis as a bot to keep an advertised pace. Great stuff!


  • I understand the roll out plan, first testing, than big groups, than small groups, and then…What about communities who just caught up member count wise? With Zwift Hungary we have no group rides in game like The Herd or Vikings Valhalla, but we’d love to organize a Club, as this winter we’ve reached the limit of Meetups of 50 (I know it increased overnight to 100) and some found it uncomfortable that they cannot join simply to a meetup, but have to follow the organizer, and mark themselves as participants for the meetup on a separate platform (Facebook event in this case) and such and such. So we’d like to get organized sooner than later :slight_smile:
  • Please make Jarvis the bear available as pace setter for Club Rides, with the ability to change w/kg mid ride. I think the weight of Jarvis should be changeable too BEFORE the ride, not mid ride. Probably make it selectable option like either pick Keep everyone together / Jarvis the bear / none for the Club Ride?


Some feedback about the Bear Jarvis yellow beacon as pace setter ,

  • It would be great to use this pace setter yellow beacon ( as bear jarvis) as kind of auto detecting in events when the lead not pop ups , or in case of emergency when the lead is having internet/wifi issues and dissapearing and bear Jarvis takes over :slight_smile:
  • 2 yellow beacons can be confusing for the blob/group when the beacons are at a further distance of each other, i prefer only one yellow beacon .

Looking forward to ride 3 next monday