Points races you could put on any short route with a sprint segment. Whoever gets most points wins.
My IRL club used to put this on for some of our criterium races, so they were not just a simple first over the line wins. The A grade races got interesting, we had some elite riders there and they can really sprint.
Correct. You either have to be stronger by a wide margin or smart and tactical enough. I was always told if you can get 2nd in ever sprint you’ll win it unless the other guy get first in every sprint. Haha.
One rider used to try and destroy the others by riding away using his cornering skills (which were better than nearly everyone else) to make sure that sprints weren’t an issue.
Not a thing that will ever occur in Zwift.
The poor commissaires didn’t always like the points races, we needed a few people to watch the sprint results unless someone brought along the camera on the overhead frame.