Thanks. I wrote that. I was just being silly.
Part of Zwift’s problem with the velodrome isn’t the actual riding loop.
The potential problem is that once a velodrome is released, there will be a loud cry for velodrome races, such as points, keirin, miss and out. All of these require a lot of programming to have results tabulated correctly. The miss and out race was done live with qualifying rounds by literally having an employee remove the last rider over the line. Is there a way to have this done? I don’t know. How about the bot for drafting in a keirin race? How do you prevent a rider from shooting off the front too easrly? How do you get a points race scored live, without a human?
I would take a velodrome without the fancy races. How about you?
Gee, then how come indieVelo already has support for those three competition formats, it’s not like they have yuge programming resources to draw from…?
zwift didn’t have zwift as a reference when they were green, and like biggie smalls said - may he rest in peace - more money more problems. it kind of bothers me that people working in software seem to take that type of thing for granted
Zwift could probably have an indievelo velodrome as an event only world, with all the physics and race format support of indievelo, just skinned to look like zwift. From interviews I’ve heard, this is exactly the sort of thing George wants to do with indievelo.
Like the idea of a workout related velodrome if needing a “soft launch test”.
Idea would be a dedicated area (like the Crit Race map) which you load into.
The workout is bot and lap based.
Bot workouts is joining the pace lines; being sprinter in the pace line for final lap fling; be part of the x4 rider team against another bot team; work out with a series of activities with kilo races against a bot etc.
Lap based workout is x10 laps as warm up at escalating power, x1 Z4, x2 Z2, x1 Z4 etc. Create routines etc based on laps and if you hit the time/power for the lap target.
If each rider loads into “their own” velodrome (solo or with own bots), then lighting, crowed etc can be matched to effort and make it funky like the 6Days events.
Hi all. Why haven’t Zwift got a velodrome yet? There is a high demand for this, and i cant understand why there is not one as other platforms have this facility???
I don’t track which feature requests have the most votes, but this one’s probably up there. It seems the virtual world works just like IRL —forget the popular vote; it’s all about who has the loudest lobbyists and the best memes hahahahaha
Someone will have to explain a couple of things for me to understand the need for a velodrome in Zwift.
What is the appeal?
Would steering be required to participate?
How would it be with 400 people in the same track?
It is not close to the top voted issues, but top voted issues often seem to be things that were requested a long time ago and not implemented for whatever reason (for example, the family payment plan request). Like Dan, I suspect this one is better in the imagination than it would be in reality, but I’m not here to shoot down the idea.
@Paul_Southworth I don’t have all the answers to this question, but just a few days ago, I was wondering why Zwift hasn’t implemented some sort of velodrome. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t an official 250 meters track (I don’t think it’s practical) or if it were expanded to 1k, 2.5k, or whatever distance to accommodate more people. I’d just love to see a consistent, flat, somewhat round course, where we could do loops—whether for testing equipment, running personal time trials, or even hosting some races.
I’m probably not the best person to explain this because it’s not really one of my top feature requests (I’d prefer Zwift focus on longer races and formats personally), but I think the velodrome can introduce a lot of interesting competition formats.
For instance elimination races, team elimination races etc… They could introduce matchmaking for really short velodrome formats such that you’re riding around until someone within your category challenges you to a velodrome throwdown etc. There could be a daily/weekly leaderboard for various race formats etc.
This is also a place where people who are training for very short term power can test their power against others. In Zwift the shortest races currently are the tiny races, but you can imagine the velodrome being super fun for folks who don’t like hour long races, but love to throw down power over short distances to compete etc.
If they did matchmaking you wouldn’t have 400 people in the velodrome together, you’d be in the velodrome with the folks who you’ve matched up against etc. There could be any number of velodrome instances just like you can have simultaneous events on the same route in Zwift separately.
I don’t think it got canned just not a priority to finish it off to something that meets a minimum viable product. I heard Eric i think it was talking on a podcast somewhere that it’s still there just not a priority.
For me at a minimum it needs to come with ingame points modes and various game modes like elimination then it could be fun. Fingers crossed for 2025
As for the vote count makes zero difference. I don’t think zwift pay any attention to vote numbers.
That’s correct. The robopacer request with over 100 votes will probably never get done.
But then we see things that frankly folks probably didn’t see as important or even ask for coming along from nowhere instead of long requested items or fixes being done, you have to wonder how this stuff is prioritised.
If velodrome was built you’d need some sort of fixed gear trainer bike to make it somewhat realistic.
That’s the part I’m interested in, proper support for various different competition formats.
I don’t think it’d be easy getting the physics to work properly to make a velodrome worthwhile, but points races, elimination races etc could be run on other routes too.