Zwift Run on iPad touch event issues

I have been using a 1st gen iPad Pro 9.7 inch and the touch events are very shaky.

While in a run or even getting ready for a group run the lower menu bar has trouble registering touches. I have to click the change view button multiple times. I originally thought it was because my fingers were sweaty, but had the same issue while waiting for a run to start. Today during a run, I could only change the view once, no matter how many times I clicked it.

To get a screen shot it takes multiple tries, and often when I just tap the lower part of the screen to get the menu to pop-up, it chooses a rider in the right hand list. Yesterday during a group run I was exited from the event because the touch events were not registering in the correct spot. 

I don’t have the problem with any other app. 


Jeremey R

I’v finally realized I just can’t touch my iPad screen at all while in a run. Today it ended a run early when I dared to sync my pod during a 10K group run. My click on the return button somehow register as End Run and I couldn’t get back in.