Zwift Games [March 2025]

Tried changing nationality from Wales to UK and it still did not show my position when filtering.

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Great test of ZRS. Apparently the trick is to just race up and finish in the bottom half so your ZRS stays low.

0-100 lead. Raced B
100-200 lead. Raced A
200-300 lead. Raced Advanced.
300-400 lead is private. 2nd raced B
400-500 lead. Raced Advanced.
500-600 lead. Raced Advanced.
600-700 lead. Raced Advanced.

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Totally agree. The number of selection options to view the results is dreadful. Come on Zwift … you can do so much better.

I’m hoping someone will at least add an equivalent into ZwiftPower. But I can’t see anything there yet:

Can anyone confirm it is definitely only one power-up per race? In the race I did yesterday there were a lot of aero power ups being dropped by the group before every banner. It seemed far too many at each banner that everyone only had one.

I won’t try and be funny in the next stage and ride on an atomic cruiser either, it didn’t seem neutralized :face_with_tears_of_joy: :hot_face:

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What does “ZPower of course” mean? I genuinely
don’t know. Eg what is ZPower, what does it do etc? Thanks!

Zwift Games FAQ:
Racers will be awarded a single, specific PowerUp as soon as the countdown clock finishes at the start of the race. This is the only PowerUp you will have, so make sure you use it strategically!

Yes I’ve seen that. But it didn’t look that way to me, too many power ups were being used before each banner in my race for that to be the case.
I kept mine from the start.

Thanks. Brings back a few memories trying to ensure comparability of effort from one Cyclops session to another. Some days I’d think I’d morphed into Bradley Wiggins only to find the tyre had slowly deflated during the session!

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Same here… :pensive_face:

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It is, the thing is, a lot of riders probably didn’t read the description and were doing the normal blow-off of power-ups

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ZQ25 Is Not That Bad i Finished It In 1H37 Minutes And Its Only The Last Climb That Killing Other Than That Its A Very Pleasant. Route TO Do When You Love Climbing

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I agree, I’ve ridden it twice so far, and look forward to it more than any other stage. I love the endurance and climbing aspects more than sprinting.

Make-Up Races: March 24-30


Same here. I opened a case with zwift support.

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Any solution??

This Scotland was already a bit harder than Makuri for me. Cant say I am really looking forward to race 3, 4 and 5…


i won today on Scotland, just thank for it was not 100m longer.


Hiya all,

Anyone know if they will be catch up events if people miss stages?

Many Thanks