Zwift Games GC

I have completed all 4stages so far and they are on ZPower. But my GC listing says I have only done 3 activities. Am I missing something?

I noticed this as well when I looked about half an hour ago. It says at the top of the screen when the GC was last updated, which at the time was 14 hours ago.

I’ve just had another look and it has since been updated. Hopefully if you refresh you’ll see the same.

Haha. I had seen that and my activities were before the last refresh, so it shouldnt be an isssue, but……. 20 seconds after posting this, my GC was refreshed and I am now showing correctly.
Either way, I’m now happy. Jumped up 2,500 places - just need to find a way of jumping up the remaining 400+ now (in Cat C)

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Well, my result from stage 4 is not shown in the GC (still the day after), however there is HISP OLYMPIADAS ZWIFT general classification shown over that stage. Is this some kind of a bug? When will it count to Zwift Games GC? Will it ever?

did you get upgrade at any point

nope, I did not. It showed up today though, so no issue after all.

That sounds normal since a person has to push a button for the GC to update. It doesn’t happen 24/7.

Well maybe, all the other series were updated within couple of hours. But that was not the issue, the issue was I was showing up in a different GC.

Other series have different people pushing the button.

I am talking about something else. I was racing Zwift Games, but my result showed up in a different series GC: HISP OLYMPIADAS ZWIFT

Ah that sounds like the GC was misconfigured

I’m probably missing something obvious, but why isn’t GC generation fully automated?

Probably because ZwiftPower is on life support


Not too sure what that means… Not enough resources to set up a cron job for a Racing festival? It’s a bit strange. Obviously everybody has different expectations but to me a GC is more valuable than unlocking a pair of glasses

They’ve said they’re avoiding all development work on it. I’m not sure what it would take to implement without that kind of effort - perhaps a Selenium job or something. The point is they are mostly hands off the service now so it’s left to rot unless a significant feature breaks. Minor broken features stay broken.


good question, and one i’m sure both community organisers, and the staff person or staff people who do take the time to manually update everything probably ask themselves, or god, several times a week.

I’m getting very frustrated because when I do “contact us” to try to resolve my issue with Zwift Games I keep getting a FAQ that doesn’t help. When it says contact us, I give them the information requested and then I get another FAQ. All I want is to get the jersey for the 3rd stage I did and have my profile page on companion reflect which stages I’ve done. It makes it look like I’m not participating.

It’s aggravating because I feel like there is no human interaction to help resolve the problem.

I don’t think Zwift takes competitions seriously though. Their top placed rider in the overall GC is a known cheater, hides all performance data, but Zwift doesn’t do anything. You cannot trust Zwift as an organizer for any serious competition, they just don’t have the in-house knowledge on how to do it well.

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i didn’t see your kind in here jumping on their neck or his neck before he won. thanks for the reminder though

I raced a Zwift Games S5 C/D cat a few days ago and just noticed that when I go into it in ZP, rather than getting the Zwift Games tab at the start, I get “HISP OLYMPIADS ZWIFT”. I guess it’s been set as the wrong tournament? Which also means it doesn’t seem to be counting towards my total properly?

Event ID 4233679 - Stage 5 | Zwift Games Climb on Sunday at 18:00 UK time.

Am I doing something wrong is it setup of the race?