Why Is There Unearnable Route Badges

  • Richmond Loop Around Richmond 26.4 miles 550 m
  • Yorkshire Double Loop Yorkshire 18.4 miles 548 m
  • Queen’s Highway After Party Yorkshire 12.3 miles 259 m
  • Shisha Shakedown Makuri Islands 33.1 miles 557 m

They say event only with no scheduled events.

Try ZwiftHacks, better search options make it easier to find the use of new routes.

Investigate ZwiftHack links below. For each link, scroll down to access “Upcomming Events…” under Route Basics:

Richmond Loop Around 26mi / 1.8k / event only: https://zwiftinsider.com/route/richmond-loop-around/.

Shisa Shakedown 33mi / 1.8k / event only: https://zwiftinsider.com/route/shisa-shakedown/.

Yorkshire Double Loop 18mi / 1.8k / event only: “Yorkshire Double Loops” Route Details (Yorkshire) | Zwift Insider .

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Some of those routes have been showing up (sometimes, for some people) on the For You section of the home screen. Keep an eye on that for random opportunities. I was able to complete the new Yorkshire route that way.

@Paul_Southworth – good to know!!! Thanks.

Same here. I saw it one evening, loaded it, and rode it in the morning.

I believe most of those are for the ongoing Zwift World Series, which is why they generally arent available for free ride.