
Hallo zusammen, ich habe in meinen Auszeichnungen noch 9 offene Strecken, die allerdings in keiner Welt erscheinen?
Hat jemand einen Tipp?
Besten Dank und schöne Grüße

They are probably event-only routes. Can you give an example?

Hallo, z.B. Richmond Loop Around, Yorkshire Double Loop, Shisha Shakedown, Park Perimeter Reverse,…

Sometimes those event-only routes will show up on the For You section of the home screen, so look for them there. If you don’t get that opportunity, you will need to find an event. If you look up a route on Zwift Insider, it has a link to “Upcoming Events on This Route” which will take you to the ZwiftHacks site where you may find events that allow you to complete it.

Ok, vielen Dank. Dann werde ich mal suchen😉