Why DQ?

Not sure if this is the right place, but i would like to know why I was DQ from this race zid=4493748?

it’s a ladder event you are best to ask your captain to check the team dashboard for reasons why then they can reach out to race control in the captains discord if it needs discussed.

I’m wondering though did you sign up very late for the event?

Currently it looks like you are not DQ from that event. It’s not unusual to see a DQ related to private data before the results have been fully processed, even if the activity is saved as public. I had one of those recently in a club ladder event and it was resolved pretty quickly with no intervention.

Your team captain can see the reason on the ladder website when there is a DQ so that should be the first person you talk to in the event of any problem. The results on the zwiftracing.app site can take longer to reprocess any changes on ZwiftPower.

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He was DQ until a minute a go. Suspect until i hit a button but it probably should still be a DQ as it’s a DQ on ladder.

EDIT and back to a DQ.

In fact yes, maybe thats the reason

That will be why as signing up very late means there is no time to complete some of the automated ladder checks.

You are back in now but in future if you reach out to your ladder captain and ask them to contract race control as there are a number of admin on hand to assist when required.

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i was rechecking and it was 6 hours before race start… not enough? just to know and not repeat :slight_smile:

That should of been fine. I’m not sure the exact time needed i would have to try verify with another ladder admin and it’s too late for that.

Best to discuss on ladder discord for future issues.

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