I rode last night and it seemed totally legit as far as KOM, Sprint and Lap times. This is the first time I have experienced a ride that did not have a small handful of riders recording elite pro level numbers. hope this recent update is the reason for that, it was a great experience. no weird rider glitches either.
well, I suppose you are right. We deal with that outside of ZWIFT Island as well unfortunately. Either way, last night was a nice change. Based on my ZWIFT experience and the current map here is what I see as the legit times for someone at the Pro 1,2 level (domestic). Green Jersey 7-7.5 seconds, KOM Jersey 55-59 seconds with 50 range being doable though. Orange jersey 7-7.40. But, I am sure all of you know this.
Make all other riders dissapear not unlike when you have a bad internet connection and therefore make them a solo rider on the island…or better still, collapse them all into the same group of their own.