Veering out of draft in sprint

This is an old bug that has come back. Almost every sprint my avatar veers off to the left, out of the draft. If I steer him back in he just shoots back off left again almost straight away.

I am using Kickr Bike steering. I don’t sprint with my fingers anywhere near the steering buttons.

I think it came back in 1.70 but maybe 1.71

Here’s a video with multiple left swerves:

Can’t help you but congratulate you on a nice sprint that was fast not sure you need the draft :slight_smile:

nice humblebrag bro

actual answer: you very likely had full draft the whole segment despite what it looks like on the screen. you wouldnt have done a 27s if you were out of the draft

I mostly agree but only because of my steering. Also look at the end when I have to go the long way around the front rider. I was steering hard right the whole time.

must admit, i don’t use steering myself so not sure how much input is actually required… as a non steering user, i know if i drop a huge sprint from last wheel and the race is strung out like that it’ll move me left and keep me there until i hit the front… but i’m reasonably confident i’m getting draft

Here’s a really bad example. You can see my avatar bouncing off the left barrier and I’m not steering at all.

When you hit the left side you can see the steering force field every seconds…this is when your controllers are steering left. Every second there is a push to the left.

Nope. I’m not steering, this is the bug. It only happens at high watts, when the avatar is sprinting. It’s an old bug, a regression from about 10 versions back.