Use Zwift Plays Wired

Will it ever be possible to use the Zwift Play controllers wired? Or are the USB ports solely power only, no data circuits at all?

Hi @Jessica_Hamilton, Welcome to the Forums! This is Norman from Zwift Support.

At the moment we work through industry standards BLE connection for the Zwift Play, if you were looking for a more reliable connection, most members agree that the Zwift Companion Bridge is the ultimate way to pair your devices, you can check this article if you’re interested.

While the USB port is solely dedicated to charging functions, we value your input and ideas!

Hey Norman, welcome to the Zwift forum :+1:

Hi @Paul_Southworth thanks for the warm welcome! I’m looking forward to helping everyone I can.

One of the first things I noticed is that you’re a regular around here! We can’t thank you enough for your continued help to the community.

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This would be a definite improvement. I know why they don’t work as reliably on my normal Zwift computer (the BT antenna is not the best), so this would solve that nicely.

By the way, would suggest using parentheses in your name rather than square brackets. The forum quote system gets confused. :wink:

Ah, that’s disappointing. Hate the buttons too, too rigid. But given BLE doesn’t work reliably <50cm from a bluetooth dongle, and the bike being in a fixed position, seems an opportunity missed there. I hope a new version will consider making wired a thing.

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