Training Peaks workout appearing in Zwift with higher values

My coach creates workouts for me in Training Peaks which I can then find in Zwift.

Sometimes, the interval watts that Zwift wants me to ride are higher than those in the TP workout that my coach has written.

For example:

In TP this is the requirement:

Repeat 6 times

  • Active 2 min @ 304-336 W - 4 Threshold
  • Active 0:30 @ 384-416 W - 5 VO2Max-6 Anaerobe capacity

In Zwift it asks me to do 340 for 2 minutes then 30 seconds at 425.

The middle of the range in TP would be 320 / 400

The Zwift values are too high and I can’t finish the set.

I know I can manually lower the values by downshifting in the virtual shifter in ERG mode, but it’s a hassle as I don’t use ERG mode.

Anyone know why this happens and if there is a solution?

Have you checked if the FTP set in TrainingPeaks matches the FTP in Zwift? TP workouts have to be based on %FTP in order to import them into Zwift, so if the FTP differs, then you get a different workout.

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Thanks, yeah they are different. Zwift has 339, TP 331.

The Zwift one is too high as 20 min PB is 348.

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zFTP is often a bit better as it uses more time intervals to calculate. No idea though how Zwift would have given you a 339 ftp, unless you did a big effort that wasn’t in an event activity (eg. free ride or workout or ftp test itself).

It was after a race, just got the upgrade message when I finished.