Track and Velodrome Options

For some of the more highly intensive sessions maybe we could have a 400m running track or velodrome option (especially as we now have dedicated run courses, you may like to combine this with a “pause” option, especially on the run as I often find the avatar drifts forward when I have to answer a “call of nature” :wink:

If you search for “velodrome” you’ll see it has been suggested a few times before. Generally it gets a quite lot of support but is also a polarising suggestion.

Thanks for that - actually I was more interested in the running track option, but as I was writing I suddenly though why not include a velodrome - I’ll go and look up those posts.

Yeah I’m not actually sure anyone’s specifically asked for a running track before, but it makes a lot of sense. I think some of the arguments against a velodrome wouldn’t apply as much to a running track. For example there’s no banking so they wouldn’t have to work out how people might deliberately move up or down that.

Been suggest on here, the old forums and the Facebook Runners group.

Yeah I’m not too surprised. Nothing came up in a quick search for “running track”.

Hopefully we’ll get both. \o/ :smiley: