Total Descent Data Missing from Garmin Post Ride Upload

Post ride the automatic upload to TrainingPeaks includes total descent data, this data is missing from the automatic upload to Garmin Connect. If I manually upload the post ride .fit to SportTracks total descent data is also present. I reached out to Garmin and got this response:

Thanks for your patience wile we’ve looked in to this. We’ve determined that the issue is stemming from the data Zwift is sending us to upload. When looking at the .fit file Zwift uploads to Garmin Connect, your descent information is not included. I’ve included a screenshot attachment of what information is shown in the actual .fit file from Zwift so you can see that they show zero descent written in their file, so we are acting by design here. You’ll want to reach out to Zwift for any further assistance they may be able to provide.

Here is the image mentioned above, not sure if it actually uploads or not


Still hasn’t been solved to this day.