Logged in for a few minutes to see how many people were online and saw a rider named “Ted King”. He was even on a green/white bike. He never moved but if he had started riding I was going to go jump on my Kickr ASAP!
Taylor Phinney is on…
I saw him on to. I have a nice screen shot of my name with theirs in the rider list!
I suppose there is some mode where they can ride without other riders seeing what they are doing? I never saw them move. I actually jumped on my bike briefly just to make sure it wasn’t just a matter of ME not moving.
I figured they must be tho because when I clicked Eric’s view I could see a trailing name tag at 0m back.
They were both riding at different times. A couple of sprints with Taylor. Now where else can you do that!
…but Eric…c’mon…the burning question is…did you win???
Wish there was a way to post images here…I would post my screenshot!
I won the first sprint and it got him all worked up. After that he made sure that I didn’t embarrass him.
I watched Taylor put up a 12.5 on the orange jersey sprint tonight and about a 7.6 or so on the green jersey sprint pushing around 1400w.
Eric, I don’t think you have to worry about embarrassing him!