While we all can respect that Strava wants to classify our Zwift sessions as Virtual Rides rather than normal rides, it really would be helpful if we have proper power data that those rides ARE included in the Strava Fitness and Freshnesh calculations please. If this cannot be the case – pls tell us – as we then all need to consider using Training Peaks (we need auto-upload here soon please Team Zwift), where our rides are included in Fitness and Freshness. THANKS.
I believe the intent is that they are included in F/F graph (otherwise the entire graph becomes useless) and CP curves, but it may be a bug on their side. We’ve already let them know about the issue and hopefully they’re on it soon.
That is great. I believe that Strava excludes all rides from F&F if there is no true power, but I am not certain. I fear that virtual rides are seen as not having true power, when some obviously do … THANKS.
Fixed. You should see virtual rides on your FF graph…if not please let me know.
I agree. I saw my ZTR and past results of F&F last night. THANKS.