Strava Segments not uploaded from .FIT file

Hi I picked the Zwift Mountain Route for a training session and happily slogegd away for my ride.  Afterwards my ride automatically uploaded to Strava but only a few segments were listed for nearly a 15 mile, 53 minute ride.  I know there should be a lot more segments listed.  I have deleted the ride in Strava and uploaded again from the .FIT file and the same thing happened.

Any ideas why this happened and how to prevent it happening again?

Why are there so few segements?

Did you look for the hidden segments in Strava?

Yes I looked at hidden segments:

The segments is not linked to your fit file, it just seem like not a lot of segments have been made for that route.

I have not done that route my self :( 

Lets see if other users have the same experience with this route.


Sorry I can not be of more help. (at least I bumped your post to the top)