But, that’s IRL, here in Zwift, all things are relative to weight, physics simulation are NOT realistic.
I said physics are not realistic, for example we see that considering 2 different riders in Zwift:
60kg @ 236w = 38.5km/h
80kg @ 327w = 41km/h
Or a rider who is 60kg @250W, can be as fast as a 80kg @300W rider.
In real life on the flat at same conditions you think this could be possible?
If you know something about cycling as I think when reading you, please support my request here:
Pleople is treating me there as I was crazy or something…
So, what you say has TOTAL sense if Zwift were like IRL, but it is NOT, here w/kg are “all”.
IRL absolute power is important.
I wouldn’t be so against the cheats if their influence wasn’t so large. You can’t win a B under 5.0w/kg. Even if zwift were to make a start and delete the result afterwards, having a bunch of way over power users setting the pace massively alters the course of the race whether or not the results count on zwiftpower.
Right now this is the only racing we have. The enjoyment is wrecked for legitimate users by cheats and zwift do nothing.
Sure I can go back to just using zwift for workouts and wait for the real word to start again, but why waste this potentially awesome platform. It’s so frustrating.
I totally agree with this. I was in Cat B today in the Dadurday race and the guy who won averaged 6.1 W/kg. Thats INSANE. And like you said, it wrecked my entire race. The issue is that it blows the entire race up at the start and then us legit people are just stuck in little packs instead of riding with the top group like we used to be before COVID. I am furious about what happened today. You can’t just restrict them AFTER they break the limit like is being proposed in the zwift approved races now, you need to penalize them for blatantly abusing the categories. If you exceed the category limit by more than 10% you can’t race in that category again for 12 months.
Don’t cater to the people that just showed up because they can’t ride outside, and will be gone again in a month of two. Cater to us who have been here a long time and add actual value to the platform.
This first try doesn’t need to be perfect, just get rid of blatant category abuse and then work on a more refined system.
But how do you boot someone in real time? Everyone can put out more w/kg at the start and for a little while. Do you boot everyone who ever goes over their ftp? What number do you use? You can’t really do it. The best I think they could do is check a rolling 20 minute interval during the race and boot anyone that exceeds their ftp over that interval by some percentage (10, 20% ?). If the race is long enough that would be feasible, but you can’t do it right at the beginning.
I’ve only been on Zwift for a few months, and only done a few races. I mostly have used it for training until I started racing recently when they cancelled my MTB race season for Covid19. I like the races because they give me that sense of immediate competition. I recently realized that my trainer was way out of calibration so I know I’m not going to be winning anything. I just enjoy trying to out climb or out sprint the people in my group. Zwift will eventually institute some kind of weigh in system if people really want strict controls I think. Otherwise, I think zwiftpower does a decent job of policing.
Well the data is already there. In keeping with the sprints and KOMS on the courses say 4week power curve.
It’s not possible to do a 5 minutes anaerobic effort, it’s not possible to 15minutes VO2 max… It’s certainly not possible to do an hour at 125%. These markers are already measured and could be implemented to stop people even joining the races. They already have the cone of shame, add these and get coned if you exceed what’s possible during the race.
If your weight is out or your trainer is badly calibrated you’re only cheating yourself, you can’t drive the pace of a race to be unsustainable for the legitimate racers. It’s a different issue than category cheating.
That iswhat Zwiftpower does, but, some races are no long enough, or maybe are longer than 20minutes for the legit people, but cheaters can do it in 18-19minutes so Zwiftpower formula failed, for example in the famous Crit City 6 lap races…
Zwift should restrict rider’s acces to the appropriate cat based on previous data and ranking. Simple. Parallel to that they can organize open ‘cheaters’ races so everybody is happy. Can’t understand why they are so opposed.
My next race will be on RGT (road grand tours) and see how everything goes there.
Well, it looks as easy as… Zwift is like a cycling (Wachowski’s) Matrix, trying to make as much people happy as they can, with the unrealistic performances.
So when they are back in real roads, they will gonna feel so bad, unhappiest…and come back fast to be conected to the Zwift Cyclingmatrix…
Except it don’t work for me.
Zwift will never create the excitement you have, when your chin is just a few inches above the fast spinning Continental 23mm tyre at a steep descent. Your whole life depends on that tyre.
That little “ufff” when you have a dropout in zwift is nothing compared