Steers to center

Same issue for me. But my avatar would steer hard left to the centerline and not “return to center”. Turning off the left controller caused the avatar to immediately return to center. After keeping the left controller off for 10 min or so I turned it back on. No further issues the rest of that ride. Only thing that has changed recently was 1.69 update.

Hi @Tim_Heffner_S9R_p_b thanks for this report! I understand you’re having issues with your Zwift Play correct? After checking your in-game-generated data, I’d like you to try a calibration.

For other Zwifters reading this, please avoid doing a calibration unless recommended by a Zwift Support Colleague or Zwift HQ. You can check this article for the instructions to do the calibration.

If any issues persist, please contact us so we can give you a more personalized service.

Ride On.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Zwift play constantly fighting it going right