Hi Zwifters,
I just wanted to share my initial experience with Zwift racing, specifically as there is quite a lot of discussion around sandbagging.
I started zwifting and zwift racing just six weeks ago, and my initial impression is really good and positive. i have never been able to motivate myself to such an intensive and regular training. I do around 5000 kilometers IRL cycling, so I bring an ok level of fitness.
I started in cat C, because I thought that would be a good category for me. I got upgraded after three races with average to good results.
In cat B I was really struggling at the beginning, ending up in the last quarter of a race, without any option to stay in the front group. But I had a lot of fun, and there are learnings and improvements:
by knowing when to use your power, you can really improve results. Pushing right after start and at key parts of the race.
Know the courses. I‘m not good at sprinting, but I can keep the power up for 2-3 minutes. Hills such as the leg snapper are good for me.
Take a bit of risk and try attacking at 800 to 1000 meters - that plays to my strength.
Warm up is important, but for me 15 minutes and two short intense intervalls are enough
If you race and rest, your FTP will improve.
I gained from 278 to 303, while loosing 1 kg of weight. That makes a difference when racing!
Last but not least - focus on having fun and a good workout!
Actually, today I had my first Podium in cat BITT. but it was funny - during the race, I was 6th out of 26 B riders. Towards the end, i couldn’t hold two others, so ended up 8th. looking at the guys in front, I was expecting top5, as two had no heartrate, and the winner had 4.7 w/kg for 35 minutes ITT…
Looking at zwiftpower, I was really surprised… I finished 2nd, and the winner was a guy upgraded from C…
A lot to do regarding cheating, but the racing was and is fun! And a combination of intensive training and a bit of weight loss will produce great results!
enjoy riding!