Screen Shot (Snapshot) Limit?

Is there a limit to the number of screen shots (screen captures, aka Snapshots) one can take per ride?

Twice now, I’ve been riding in the Watopia Jungle, and after taking several snapshots outside the Jungle and partially into the Jungle, the F10 function stops working for the rest of the ride. Like I used up the roll of film :wink:

I’m running a Windows 10 system in full screen mode.

Also, sometimes the screen shot will include HUD (heads up display) menus, and sometimes it won’t. Or it will contain a duplicate much-darker screen shot (from a strange angle).

Not a big deal - maybe some areas of the wonderfully beautiful Jungle are off-limits to screenshots for (C) copyright reasons or something.

Thanks for the Jungle, and thanks for creating Zwift.

Dave, I am also using Win10, and have been experiencing exactly the same behavior since around the new release. I go back to the film days with my photography, and I used the same analogy to explain to someone what was is happening. If you use the Companion app, the “camera” will continue to work. Not as easy but you can still get that finish line pic! Let me know if you hear why this might be happening.
Good luck,