Santa is out and about already

Does this mean we get the ugly Christmas jersey again this year?

Sighted yesterday by myself.

I was so disappointed last year… so great they are doing it this year :pray:

And… there’s also an “Ugly Christmas Sweater” available now :wink::smiley:


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Watopians had better behave themselves!
Or you’ll get a broken fan for Xmas.

me too, I love the Christmas lights on the trees all around Watopia too!

Next year we need to have an Elf on the Shelf hiding around Watopia in a new spot everyday as a fun Easter egg for us all to find.

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Yep, Christmas jerseys are back - just select the Zwift default kit

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Santa was around last year. That was my first Christmas on Zwift, def saw him.

SOB just better stay out of my house.

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My wife was exited yesterday when she saw the Christmas lights. Thanks Zwift.

I really enjoy riding when Watopia is full Christmas mode.


I love the lights too!

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I think I looked very fetching in mine earlier today :blush:

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How come I can’t see the Christmas :christmas_tree: lights??? :disappointed:

what version are you on, have you updated?

Updated yes. 1.54.0. Apple TV I see Santa :santa:

you should see them, note they aren’t on every single tree around Watopia, but a lot of the pine trees have them.


You still here?? LOL!