Riders wanted for racing team

Hi all

Our little Zwift Power team is looking for riders interested in racing events, our team competes in the WTRL racing league every Tuesday evening, we have 2 teams currently but want to introduce more teams for next season, we also compete is other events.

looking for A, B, and C, riders but will take D riders too if you’re interested in working hard in races.

You must have a Zwift Power account to join, our team is called Apache Brave Racing

if you’re on Facebook you can add yourself to our group page e-ABR Zwift team

I would be interested in joining. I am a new C rider - started out as a D and training since December has moved me up. On east coast of US

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Hey John, we race based on UK time so not sure how that fits with your location, our main races are around 18.30pm UK time which im guessing would be 13.30pm

we’re still happy for you to join and would be great to get a US team set up

Join our facebook page
e-ABR Zwift team

Join our Zwift Power team
Apache Brave Racing

Too bad in the timing. Middle of the day not possible. Good luck in the next season.