Ride streak

I can’t remember see the ride streak after the ride is there a way to find out?

wait a week and ride again? i know not very helpful but i’m not aware of any way to see it.

They have reduced it so you only get the bonus once a week iso only see the streak screen once which is hopefully why you’ve missed it.

Streak week runs from Monday to Sunday.

I’m not sure there is a way to see your ride streak after the ride has finished and been saved.

I notice from your CA activity that your ride was a race and probably your first proper ride of the week.

This is what Ride Streak FAQ says:

Q: Where can I see my current ride streak?

A: You’ll see your current ride streak info after you finish an activity.

I think Zwift has forgotten to add that Ride Streak will only show on first (qualifying) ride of the week.

Why might you not have seen your ride streak?

Did you warm up for your race, completing a ride activity that you did not save, and were not looking at the screen when Ride Streak came up? (I always save my activities so don’t know if you see a ride streak screen if you don’t save an activity ?)

Did you warm up for race and use the in game join event option to join your race pen. If so does the streak count at that point but you don’t get to see it as you head straight to the pen - I don’t know and FAQ does not cover that aspect.

I warm up in the pen so i will so a ride tomorrow and see if i come up if not I will try next week I would be a shame as I was on 17 week streak :frowning:

Hi @Philip_Procter thanks for your submission, I’m Norman from Zwift.

I saw your concern and decided to swing by your account and check it out! Just wanted to let you know that there’s nothing to worry about, your Ride Streak looks healthy and still going! You’ll be able to see it once you do the ride for next week.

Thank you

@Norman My ride streak continues thanks for looking

Hi, would you be so kind and chech mine too pls.

Hi @Ji_ri_Kudrn_acc, Welcome to the forums!
I’m Fernanda, from Zwift.

It was my pleasure to take a look at your account, and I have excellent news! Your ride streak weeks are currently running! Keep an eye on the number of streeks when you finish the ride of the next week, you are doing great!

Could someone look at my streak please. It’s gone back to one week and it shouldn’t have (looking on Zwift companion I’ve not missed a week). Should be about 41/42 weeks so I’ll be sad if something has gone wrong at your end.

Are there numbers on how many riders are still on the streak since week 1 ?

At least one :blush:

Make it two :wink:

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I think I should be too (but am not certain)