Where can you go back and see the details of your ride report after a “workout”?
Where can you go back and see the details of your ride report after a “workout”?
Hi Tim,
Apparently Zwift doesn’t think this is something they should spend their time on. I asked a similar question and got this response. Looks like the prefer to have this handled by strava…
Very frustrating…Strava is little help when trying to compare intervals during “workouts”. The exchange from your earlier post only shows that Zwift is completely missing the point on this. The new analysis is very helpful, but you can only save it if you are quick to do a screen capture.
Thanks for the info Tacx
Do you have a garmin or TP account? I usually use my Edge to capture the ride for Garmin Connect (it just won’t have the “GPS” pseudo data) and I can analyze power, HR, speed, cadence. Also get VO2max estimates. Otherwise I just log into zwift from browser, and download FIT file from event log. Then import into GC (of TP) and all the data including GPS is there.
Ride report now available, but make sure you’re ending the ride a certain way: https://support.zwift.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001675206-Your-Ride-Report
The above link doesn’t tell me how I can review a ride report a day, week, month or whatever after that. Is that doable? I’m a noob so may have just not figured it out yet.
Ride reports should be available after the fact. Period.
While it is true you can review ride stats on Garmin Connect or Strava etc. The details of those reports may not be as broad as what is recorded on Zwift. I would like to be able to review the segments of my workouts and how I performed in each segment etc. It would be nice if we could access the Zwift Ride report somewhere, whether it is online or on the app.
I like the way the ride reports look, I can compare them easily with other workouts, but when I don’t take the screenshot, I lose it forever.
I would really love to have this saved by default. Today I missed the screenshot because I was too shaky and sweaty after a hard workout. Now I’m in a bad mood for the rest of the day
I was just on a chat with Zwift and they told me to take a screen shot or use a 3rd party app to analyze…This is not acceptable to me. They provide this great after ride data and then you cannot see it again? This seems like a giant hole in their services. And why is this data not available in myswift.com? Instead myswift is useless. So anyone figure out how to “re-access” the ride report data via swift?